The VCCCDRA Sponsored Don B. Medley Scholarship has been Established!

On Monday, October 14, 2019, Rene Rodriguez and Pat Gage, VCCCDRA’s President and Treasurer respectively, delivered a check to the Ventura County Community Foundation (VCCF) in the amount of $20,500.00 towards the establishment of the VCCCDRA Sponsored Don B. Medley Scholarship.  Combining  this check with the $3,000 previously received directly by the VCCF from three VCCCDRA contributors, will bring the total amount for the scholarship to $23,500.  This is enough to establish a $1,100 annually endowed scholarship beginning in June 2020.  (The original goal was to obtain sufficient donations to establish a $500 annual scholarship.)

In addition, a password protected flash drive was also delivered.  This flash drive contains the names of the 258 contributors with the amount each contributed and their home addresses in an Excel file, totaling the check amount of $20,500.  The understanding is that this list will be used to send out a letter to each contributor for tax purposes.  Each individual contribution is considered to be confidential information and only Rene Rodriguez and Pat Gage are privy to this information for accounting purposes.

Rene expressed his gratitude to Jim Rivera, Chief Compliance Officer, VCCF, for his help and the smooth transition that he has provided the VCCCDRA to get this scholarship established through the VCCF.

Pat Gage will be the primary liaison with the VCCF for any future contributions to the scholarship fund.  Rene will continue serving as liaison to the VCCF on matters other than contributions until further notice from him or the VCCCDRA Exec Board.

Congratulations to the 258 founding contributors of the VCCCDRA Sponsored Don B. Medley Scholarship.

Author: Carmen Guerrero

Retired (February 2015); Dean, Career and Technical Education, Oxnard College (2008-2015); Professor, Business, Oxnard College (1992-2008); Adjunct Professor, Business, Business Information Systems, Moorpark and Ventura Colleges (1976-1992); Intermediate Steno-Secretary, Moorpark and Ventura Colleges (1970-1974);

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