George McNeely’s Passing

NOTE:   It has come to our attention that the passing of George McNeely on September 17, 2009 at the age of 95, was missed by the association, and his obituary is not in our BLOG archives.  We apologize to his family and his many friends and acquaintances.

George McNeely
George McNeely

George McNeeley, began his academic career in the early 1940s at Ventura College in a teaching position in vocational agriculture.  He took a military leave to join the Navy and participate in WWII.  As a lieutenant commander in the Navy, George was in charge of a landing craft to make the Normandy  invasion.  His craft was one of the first to successfully unload its cargo of men and machines on the beach.  His participation in the Normandy invasion was a subject of many presentations in the Ventura community upon his return.

After his return from the war and his return to Ventura College, George continued to teach, then served as Dean of Men and Dean of Students. George retired in 1973.  He was also a founding member of the Ventura College Foundation in 1985.

George served the city and County of Ventura in various roles, including as a member of the Ventura Breakfast Lions Club and as a volunteer at the Ventura County Fair.

Of very special note, George McNeely made a $25,000 donation to the VCCCDRA Legal Fund during our organization’s first lawsuit against the college district.  It is this fund that has sustained us in dealing with ongoing legal issues.  The VCCCDRA owes a great deal of gratitude to George McNeely.

To read George’s obituary and learn of his many accomplishments, please use this link.