Angela Duran Awarded the First VCCCDRA Sponsored Don B. Medley Scholarship

Angela Duran
Angela Duran, first recipient of the VCCCDRA sponsored Don B. Medley Scholarship

We are very pleased to announce that the first recipient of the VCCCDRA Sponsored Don B. Medley Scholarship, Angela Duran, will be making an appearance at our upcoming Zoom VCCCDRA 2021 Annual General Meeting on March 17.

To give you an idea of who this outstanding awardee is, we provided an excerpt of the essay she submitted as part of her application for the scholarship in our recent edition of the VCCCDRA newsletter, The Monitor – Winter 2021.  With Angela Duran’s permission, below find a copy of the entire essay.

  1. Please explain your interest, experience, and goals in computer studies.

Growing up, I never knew what I wanted to be. The day I started to consider computer science as my field of study was when I attended my first introductory programming class in my sophomore year of high school. Since then, I was determined to learn all I could, spending much of my free time during high school on websites like Codeacademy and CodeHS. Unfortunately, I never had a computer of my own to continue practicing at home. To remedy this, I spent numerous hours at my school’s library until I decided that enough was enough and began doing yard and caretaking jobs around the neighborhood to save up for a cheap laptop. My hard-earned laptop served me well, but sadly its CPU burned out from my extensive use over two years. Along the way, however, I was able to participate in programs such as Girls Inc Eureka!, which provided me with a stipend that contributed to me accumulating enough funds for an even greater laptop, which I am still using today.

Throughout my high school experience, two clubs significantly impacted my interest in studying programming. MESA was the first foot through the door for my programming passion. Every year UCSB would host MESA day which had various competitions for groups of students to sign up and participate in. In particular, my favorite was the sumo robots event. In this event we needed to program and build a robot with Lego Mindstorms that would push the opposing robot outside a ring. It was mind-blowing to see our robot come to life and do what we told it to do for the very first time. The second club that sparked my interest was my high school’s robotics club. The year I joined was also the start of the club. Our club was part of the First Robotics Competition (or FRC for short), in which the organization hosts competitions across the world for teams to compete against each other. This was a giant step forwards moving from Lego robots to actual industrial-grade robots. For the two years I participated, I was the lead programmer. Our first year we won the Rookie All Star award which guaranteed us a spot to compete at the Worlds Competition hosted in Houston Texas. This was a life-changing experience, as I got to feel the accomplishment of all my contribution to the team pay off with a functional robot. I am proficient in two languages, C++ and java, with some minor experience working with python. The fields that primarily interest me are Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. While programming is my main focus of study, I also am extremely curious about circuits. While my skills with circuits aren’t as developed as my programming skills, I found some overlap between the two. By understanding how the circuits operate and are able to receive information, it has undoubtedly evolved my understanding of programming applications. I have found through my experiences that exploring relative fields is a great supplement to developing a greater appreciation for my subjects of interest. The fact that computer science can be so relative in so many creative ways; it’s difficult not to want to explore everything! However, while I have narrowed down my desired area of expertise, I am still leaving my mind open to absorb any knowledge that comes my way. My drive to learn has never been so strong before. One of my big goals is to get my Master’s in computer science. This big goal will be the steppingstone I need to reach a much bigger goal, eventually starting my own startup company that specializes in technology to help save the environment. Keeping our earth healthy and alive is very important to me, and it would be a dream come true to protect the earth while doing something I love. My big idea is to create robots to clean our oceans and forests of debris without harming the natural wildlife, while ensuring that more pollution is not created with the birth of these robots. I want to be able to contribute to the continuous evolution of technology while also maintaining awareness of our environment.

  1. Please tell us about Community and school activities you are involved in

Networking is very important to me, and I believe in order to maintain a strong network you need to be involved in your community. I am an active member of Ventura College’s MESA program. I attend their workshops and study sessions. I make sure to utilize the direct access to tutors, professors, and councilors at scheduled hours. I am also active in Ventura College’s Computer Science Club. In this club we work on coding projects and are able to receive valuable feedback from our professor and experienced upperclassmen. Most recently the club has helped me prepare for my first hackathon at UCSB. I was able to form a team and present my project to judges. It was an incredible experience and I was able to talk with many professional programmers, such as employees from Google and Invoca. Outside of Ventura College I also volunteer as a mentor for Oxnard High School’s robotics team. With their competition building season finally starting I plan to assist their programmers by debugging and providing positive feedback for their code. Additionally, I will be willing to assist them with any needed wiring. I am not there to help them create ideas, but rather support them.

The VCCCDRA Sponsored Don B. Medley Scholarship has been Established!

On Monday, October 14, 2019, Rene Rodriguez and Pat Gage, VCCCDRA’s President and Treasurer respectively, delivered a check to the Ventura County Community Foundation (VCCF) in the amount of $20,500.00 towards the establishment of the VCCCDRA Sponsored Don B. Medley Scholarship.  Combining  this check with the $3,000 previously received directly by the VCCF from three VCCCDRA contributors, will bring the total amount for the scholarship to $23,500.  This is enough to establish a $1,100 annually endowed scholarship beginning in June 2020.  (The original goal was to obtain sufficient donations to establish a $500 annual scholarship.)

In addition, a password protected flash drive was also delivered.  This flash drive contains the names of the 258 contributors with the amount each contributed and their home addresses in an Excel file, totaling the check amount of $20,500.  The understanding is that this list will be used to send out a letter to each contributor for tax purposes.  Each individual contribution is considered to be confidential information and only Rene Rodriguez and Pat Gage are privy to this information for accounting purposes.

Rene expressed his gratitude to Jim Rivera, Chief Compliance Officer, VCCF, for his help and the smooth transition that he has provided the VCCCDRA to get this scholarship established through the VCCF.

Pat Gage will be the primary liaison with the VCCF for any future contributions to the scholarship fund.  Rene will continue serving as liaison to the VCCF on matters other than contributions until further notice from him or the VCCCDRA Exec Board.

Congratulations to the 258 founding contributors of the VCCCDRA Sponsored Don B. Medley Scholarship.

Contribution Form, Don B. Medley Scholarship

This is the LINK for the contribution form.

From Rene Rodriguez, President, VCCCDRA

SUBJECTLast Call for Those Wishing to Make a Contribution to Become a Founding Member of the Don B. Medley Scholarship

Dear VCCCDRA Retirees,

In mid-October, circa October 15, we will be writing a check to the Ventura County Community Foundation (VCCF) for all receipts of contributions made by retirees for the VCCCDRA Sponsored Don B. Medley Scholarship.

This is one last call for those wishing to make a contribution to become a founding member of this scholarship.  (Please use the link for the contribution form provided at the beginning of this post.)

From the reports that Jim Rivera from the VCCF has made to me of contributions made directly to the VCCF combined with the contributions that I have received todate, the total amount is enough now to establish a $1,000 annually endowed scholarship.  Please note that all contributors will be receiving a letter directly from the VCCF from information that I will be providing to Jim, acknowledging a retiree’s contribution for tax purposes.

I am humbled by the generosity of fellow retirees and how quickly we were able to raise the necessary funds, actually doubling the amount of our original goal.  Almost half of the retirees contacted have made a contribution, and the contribution amounts have varied from $20 to $5,000 (neither is a typo).  This just exemplifies that those who contributed gave what they could.

My sincerest congratulations to all retirees who have been able to make a contribution for your grandiose support of the VCCCDRA’s first scholarship.

Rene G. Rodriguez
President, VCCCDRA

Update on the Don B. Medley Scholarship

From Rene Rodgriquez, President, VCCCDRA

On August 7, 2019, at our VCCCDRA Exec Board meeting, I was very pleased to report to the Board that we have received $11,795 in contributions from retirees to date.

The fact of the matter is that in just over 4 weeks after announcing to retirees that they could begin sending actual contributions, we received a total of $10,700, surpassing the goal of $10,500 that we needed to establish the annual $500 Don B. Medley Scholarship.

The following week, Pat Gage, Treasurer, and I went to the bank where Pat established the VCCCDRA account, and we deposited 201 checks totaling $10,900, $200 for lifetime dues and $10,700 for the scholarship.

TODAY, a day later, the total amount contributed stands at $12,320. The contributions keep coming in every day, and when the contributions come in for the outstanding pledges that remain, we will be very short of being able to offer a $700 dollar scholarship every year, instead of $500.

Let me encourage those who have yet to make an actual contribution that it is not too late to become a founding contributor to the Don B. Medley Scholarship.

For those interested in attending, we shall all be able to witness the first VCCCDRA sponsored Don B. Medley Scholarship awarded in June, 2020.

To download the Don B. Medley Scholarship Contribution Form, click here.

To visit the VCCCDRA website, click here.

Shall the VCCCDRA Sponsor a Don B. Medley Scholarship?

From Rene Rodgriquez, President, VCCCDRA

It occurs to me from some emails that I have received that some of you may not know who Don Medley was. Don founded the VCCCD Retirees’ Association 25 years ago in 1994, and due to this fortunate occurrence, we were able to mount a successful united front against the Ventura County Community College District to protect our retiree healthcare benefits 14 years ago.

Because of the suit filed in 2007 and the settlement reached in 2010, retirees have saved thousands of dollars in premium savings that they didn’t have to pay when active ASCC college district employees were required to pay part of the premium when premium costs exceeded the district cap, to mention one aspect of the settlement agreement. Additionally, Don remained an active member of the VCCCDRA Executive Board, maintaining the membership records from the inception of the organization until a few months before he passed away on August 26, 2018.

Gary Johnson wrote a full blown tribute to Don Medley in a recent VCCCDRA newsletter, which can be accessed through the link below: which I encourage you to read.

Please submit your pledges as soon as possible. The link is included below in a reproduction of the email sent out on May 20, 2019. If ALL retirees submitted a one-time minimum pledge of $25, we could increase the scholarship to $800 annually.

The email sent out on March 20, 2019 follows.

May 20, 2019

Dear VCCCDRA Retiree,

At the VCCCDRA Annual General Meeting held on March 20, the following proposal was made:

“Shall the Retirees’ Association explore how many retirees would be willing to make a minimum of a one-time $25 pledge in support for the establishment of a Retirees’ Association sponsored, endowed $500 annual Don B. Medley scholarship?”

A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved by those attending the Annual General Meeting on March 20 for the Executive Board to explore whether there is support by the general membership for the establishment of such a scholarship.

We are thereby sending you this email to see if you would be interested in making a pledge towards the establishment of this scholarship.

If so, please click on the link below to enter a one-time pledge of a minimum contribution of $25:

Note: for anyone interested in more details regarding how the idea for a Don Medley scholarship came about and the deliberations that took place, the following background is provided.

1. A few months ago, a Retirees’ Association Executive Board member brought the idea of sponsoring a scholarship on behalf of our founder Don Medley. An Ad Hoc Scholarship Committee was formed, chaired by John Woolley to look into the matter and report back to the Exec Board.

2. After much discussion at two separate meetings, the Exec Board decided to propose that the Retirees’ Association explore with the general membership the idea of sponsoring a scholarship on behalf of Don Medley. 3. The main concern is the funding of the scholarship. It would take approximately one-half of the membership to make a one-time $25 contribution to establish a permanently endowed annual $500 scholarship. 4. There are other questions that need to be resolved, but funding the scholarship seems to be the main concern.

5. The Executive Board decided to pose the following question at the VCCCDRA Annual General Meeting to be held on March 20: “Shall the Retirees’ Association explore how many retirees would be willing to make a minimum of a one-time $25 pledge in support for the establishment of a Retirees’ Association sponsored, endowed $500 annual Don Medley scholarship?”

6. A motion was made to that effect at the general assembly and passed unanimously.

7. At a subsequent Exec Board meeting, it was decided to pose the question first to those retirees who have an email address.

If you have any questions, please respond to this email.


Rene G. Rodriguez

President, VCCCD Retirees’ Association