Message to the Board of Trustees regarding a Special Meeting

The following messages are first a message from Rene Rodriguez, VCCCDRA President, to Bernardo M. Perez, Chair, VCCCD Board of Trustees; and second a message from Bernardo Perez to Rene (to which Rene was responding.)

On 04/12/2020 10:18 pm, Rene Rodriguez wrote:


Thank you for your email of April 2 in response to my email of March 26, the date of your Special Board of Trustees Meeting. As you know, this pandemic has had us scrambling for basic needs, and it is quite wonderful how relatives, friends and neighbors are all pulling together, at least locally, in this time of crisis.

I sincerely hope that you, the Board, the Chancellor and your families are faring well in Ventura County, where cases of the coronavirus appear to keep increasing, but so far in apparent manageable levels.

I must say that it was comforting, and timely, to receive the message from Anthem sent to us by Katy Lyon, informing retirees and all employees, how they are covered for COVID-19 tests at no cost through May 31, and how we can go about getting these tests if we need them.

On the subject of this email, COVID-19 appears to present another opportunity for all of us to contrast how Anthem is approaching this crisis as opposed to the CalPERS plans that the District is proposing.

In this regard, let me share with the Board that on March 25, the Executive Board of the Retirees’ Association met for the first time using GoToMeeting online conferencing software, and successfully conducted its meeting for about the same approximate time it would have taken a face to face meeting. Some of the Exec Board members had computers with cameras and mikes, while a few had computers but communicated orally with a regular telephone. It all worked out fine.

I mention the above because you may have misunderstood my intention of a “meeting” with the Board. I was not referring to a physical meeting such as the one you had at your Special Meeting on March 26, where Board members and the Chancellor showed up at the District Board Room, and everyone else communicated by connection through the Zoom conferencing software.

Our proposal for a meeting with the Board of Trustees would mean that everyone, including Board members, would be safe in their own homes, communicating through their computers, smartphones, or regular landline telephones.

We feel that such a conference call meeting would be far more effective than just sending you materials, which would take us much more time to put together, and would be much more cumbersome for you to have to read, and not carry the weight or impact that we are trying to have.

This is meant to be a thorough presentation conducted by Gary Johnson, Marta Freixas, and myself, as condensed as we can make it, covering the main problems that we find with CalPERS, in contrast to the Anthem plans, and explaining the reasons that we are opposed to the move to CalPERS. You need to be as well informed about this as we are before making a final decision.

I would be happy to set the meeting up with GoToMeeting software that would take a minimal amount of time on your part to set up. Yes, I would be “hosting” the meeting technically, but you would have control over the meeting since this essentially would be a Board of Trustees meeting.

Which brings up the question of making the meeting available to the public. We could also make a GoToMeeting available to the public. We would have to know how many “observers” Zoom allows, and we would make sure at least that number could log in to the meeting, and you can handle the public comments part of the meeting as you did on March 26. We could provide the details as to how the public could log in to the GoToMeeting for your staff to announce as they normally do.

It appears that you are anxious to move forward with CalPERS, but we think it is incumbent upon you to understand what we think you are getting into.


On 04/02/2020 5:03 pm, Bernardo Perez wrote:

Dear Rene,

First, I hope that you, your family and all members of the Ventura County Community College District Retirees Association and their families are well and will remain healthy during this pandemic.

I am formally acknowledging your requests for the Board of Trustees to convene a Special Meeting with the leadership of the VCCCDRA. You state the purpose of the meeting essentially would be to provide the Board with a detailed comparison by the Association of the proposed CalPERS and current Anthem/Blue Cross health plans.

The Board of Trustees remains interested in hearing and responding to the questions and issues identified by the Association. However a live meeting during the COVID-19 pandemic is not possible. I suggest, indeed respectfully request that you provide your information and comparison in writing. I will then forward your information to the full Board for consideration. A response to your questions and concerns could then lead to a remote meeting with parameters agreed to by the Association and the District.

On behalf of the Board, it is our preference to continue working with the Association to ensure and to give you confidence that we know and understand your issues and how they might be addressed. I believe you can agree that we have been forthright with the Association over these past two years in sharing possible plan changes and providing access to all information from CalPERS with support from Burnham and Human Resources. I hope that we are aligned with regard to an approach of dialog and compromise to address potential changes.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Bernardo M Perez, Chair
VCCCD Board of Trustees

Message to the Board of Trustees for the Special Meeting on March 26, 2020

The following message was emailed to the VCCCD Board of Trustees for the Special Meeting of March 26, 2020, by Rene Rodriguez, President, VCCCDRA

Subject:  Message to the Board of Trustees Special Meeting for the March 26, 2020
Date:  Thu, 26 Mar 2020 16:06:08 -0700
From:  Rene Rodriguez, <>

At the March 10 Board of Trustees meeting, I made a formal request of the Board that it hold a Special Meeting with the leadership of the Retirees’ Association, to allow it to present to the Board, in detail, the large discrepancies that exist between the CalPERS health plans that the District is proposing, compared to the Anthem/Blue Cross health plans.

The Chancellor, and members of the Board of Trustees, have made remarks to the Retirees’ Association leadership, that you “care” about retirees, and would never do anything to harm them.

I am stating to you now, in writing, on behalf of the Retirees’ Association, that replacing the current health plans with the proposed CalPERS health plans, WOULD BRING GREAT HARM TO TIER I AND TIER II RETIREES.

We are ready to explain to you what this great harm would be if you give us the opportunity.  If you do not wish to give us the opportunity, then we demand an explanation.  It cannot be that you already understand the differences between CalPERS plans and Anthem plans, as we understand them.  Not even CalPERS representatives could answer all of the questions we asked of them at a meeting we had on January 23.

Show us that you do want to understand why we are so opposed to the CalPERS health plans by meeting with us.  Otherwise, we will conclude that you do not care to understand how seriously the CalPERS health plans are substandard to the current Anthem plans.

Ventura County Community College District Retirees Association

Statement to the VCCCD Board of Trustees, Special Meeting for March 26, 2020

The following statement was emailed to the VCCCD Board of Trustees for the Special Meeting of March 26, 2020, by Gary Johnson, Chair, Benefits Committee, VCCCDRA

Subject:  Statement to the VCCCD Board of Trustees Special Meeting for the March 26, 2020
Date:  Thu, 26 Mar 2020 22:33:52 +0000 (UTC)
From:  Gary Johnson, <>

Please accept the following email and appeal as the statement I would have made in open Board session in normal times:

The Retiree Association Executive Board has made an appeal to the District Board of Trustees to suspend contract negotiations in the face of government ordered curtailment of civic life due to the emergency of the spreading corona virus.

The current environment is causing unprecedented time consuming and disruptive adjustments in every aspect of the District operation and attempts to offer ongoing education for students.

It is not reasonable or possible now for the normal process of effective negotiations to move forward:
to prepare for negotiation meetings, to negotiate face-to-face, or to engage in any mutual communication
and decision making with constituencies, or with constituency memberships.

We have not received a response to our initial appeal. So we now reiterate the urgent need for the District to face up to and address the new reality of the restrictions and limitations we are
all living with.

Suspend negotiations, please.

Thank you,
Gary Johnson
VCCCD Retirees Association, Benefits Chair

Ventura County Community College District Retirees Association

March 10, 2020 Meeting of the BOT: Presentations

A number of retirees made presentations to the Board of Trustees at the March 10, 2020 meeting.  Below are links to audio files of some presentations and the written presentation by Rene Rodriguez that was delivered verbally.

01 – Fred Meyer  (length 3:46)

02 – Donna Allyn (length 1:22)

03 – Susan Webster  (length 3:20)

04 – Rene Rodriguez (length 3:21)
2020-03-10 Presentation , BOT Rene Rodriguez

05 – Gary Johnson  (length 5:34)

06 – Patricia Parham  (length 6:27)

07 – Lyn MacConnaire  (length 1:10)


Board of Trustees Meeting of February 18: Presentations by Gary Johnson and Rene Rodriguez

The audio recording of Gary Johnson‘s presentation to the BOT follows:


Presentation to the Board of Trustees
by Rene G. Rodriguez
February 18, 2019

Good evening. My name is Rene Rodriguez, President of the college district Retirees’ Association. I served the college district as a faculty member and as an administrator in various capacities on all three campuses and at the district office as an institutional researcher. I retired as Vice President of Business Services from Oxnard College in 2004 after 34 years of service to the District.

First, thank you and the Chancellor for facilitating the January 23 meeting with representatives from the District, Burnham, CalPERS, OptumRx, the AFT and the SEIU.

The Retirees’ Association requested this meeting to ask questions of CalPERS representatives regarding the CalPERS Health Plans that the District is proposing as a replacement for the current Anthem/Blue Cross and Kaiser Plans. Members of the Retirees’ Association Benefits Committee and Executive Board spent two and a half hours asking the three CalPERS representatives questions that had arisen from examining the CalPERS Choice Basic and the CalPERS Choice Supplement Plans, the two plans that the District is offering active employees and retirees.

I will share two of the questions that I asked, along with the responses from the three CalPERS representatives present.

The first question I asked dealt with a statement that is found in both the Basic and Supplement plans early on in each plan. The statement is titled IMPORTANT INFORMATION and it is in bold face type. Because my time is limited, I will summarize what the statement says for you. It says, that ANY benefit to be found in either plan can be changed, or even eliminated, by CalPERS. Their only responsibility is to let you know the effective date of the change, or elimination, of a benefit.

My question to the panel of three CalPERS representatives was, “WHY IS THIS STATEMENT IN THE PLAN, AND WHAT IS ITS PURPOSE?”

There was a long silence, until one of the CalPERS representatives said that this statement was there just to apprise a subscriber that a benefit that was available in the previous year, is not available this year. I replied, that is not what the statement says. It says CalPERS can make changes or eliminate benefits at any time during the benefit year. More silence, and then, “We’ll have to get back to you on this.”

My second question related to the same statement. I noted that this statement, that is found in both of the plans being offered to District employees and retirees, that it does not appear in the PERS CARE BASIC and PERS SELECT BASIC plans. I asked, “WHY DO SOME CALPERS PPO PLANS HAVE THIS STATEMENT AND OTHERS DO NOT?” Again, they said, “We’ll have to get back to you on that.”

It has been almost a month since the January 23 meeting, and I have not received a response to these two questions as yet.

Anthem PPO plans do not have this statement in their plans. They do not have the right to change or eliminate benefits in their plans in the middle of a benefit period. These changes are meant to be negotiated items, between the District and bargaining units, and the insurance company.



Thank you for your kind attention.

Presentation to the BoT on January 21, 2019

Message from Rene Rodriguez, President, VCCCDRA

Because Steve Hall, Chief Negotiator for the local AFT, made such an impassioned presentation to the Board of Trustees on January 21, I decided that I could not deliver the written statement that I had prepared for that evening, and instead, made an impromptu presentation trying to highlight and support some of the remarks that Steve had made regarding retirees.

What follows is a recording of my impromptu presentation and a copy of the written remarks that I had planned to make that evening is posted below the audio link.  I went ahead and distributed the written remarks to the Board after my presentation.

Impromptu presentation by Rene:


Written Remarks that were planned to be made
to the Board of Trustees but were distributed after
the verbal presentation
(posted above)
By Rene G. Rodriguez
January 21, 2019

My name is Rene Rodriguez, President of the college district Retirees’ Association.  I served the college district as a faculty member and as an administrator in various capacities on all three campuses and at the district office.  I retired as Vice President of Business Services from Oxnard College in 2004 after 34 years of service.

I wish to thank the Board for continuing to meet on an individual basis with representatives of the Retirees’ Association to discuss matters of mutual interest and concern to the Board and to the Retirees’ Association.

I also wish to thank the Board of Trustees and the Chancellor for helping to facilitate our next joint meeting on Thursday, January 23, with representatives of the District, Burnham, CalPERS (including Anthem and Kaiser representatives from CalPERS), OptumRx, the AFT and the SEIU.  This will give the Retirees’ Association an opportunity to ask questions based on its review of the CalPERS health plans being proposed by the District.

This meeting will help us prepare for the General Meeting that we have planned with retirees on February 5, to share with them our assessment of the CalPERS health plans as compared to our current Anthem/Blue Cross and Kaiser plans.

In another matter, I noticed in the goals for your planning session at your recent Saturday meeting on January 11, that in mentioning all of the constituents that you serve as a Board, the students, the employees and the community, and the goals that you have set for them in the coming year, I noticed no mention of retirees as an important constituency.  I am not sure if this is an oversight, or if you truly mean to exclude retirees as an important constituency and resource of the District?

Certainly the years that representatives of the Retirees’ Association have been meeting with Board members on an individual basis, have demonstrated the important resource that retirees have been to Board members in sharing with them an understanding, and historical perspectives, of educational issues that surface and keep resurfacing over time.  Surely it’s time to start thinking of retirees as an important ongoing resource to the Board and to the college District, and include them in your talks and planning sessions to find ways to maximize the use of this readily available and invaluable resource.

I thank you for your kind attention.

Gary Johnson’s Presentation to the BOT on December 17, Audio Recording

Dear VCCCDRA Retiree,

We are inaugurating our first audio recording on the Retirees’ Association BLOG with this presentation by Gary Johnson, Chair of the VCCCDRA Benefits Committee.

All retirees concerned about their college-district-provided healthcare benefits should listen to this important message from Gary Johnson, delivered at the last meeting of the VCCCD Board of Trustees on December 17, 2019 before they went into closed session.

The presentation lasts approximately 16 minutes and covers the most important issues that the Board should be considering regarding their proposal to change to CalPERS from our current quality healthcare program provided by Anthem/Blue Cross.

Rene G. Rodriguez
President, VCCCDRA

Press the “play” icon below to hear Gary’s presentation.

Rene Rodriguez’ Presentation to the BOT, on December 17, 2019

Presentation to the Board of Trustees
by Rene G. Rodriguez
December 17, 2019

My name is Rene Rodriguez, President of the college district Retirees’ Association. I served the college district as a faculty member and as an administrator in various capacities on all three campuses, and at the district office, for 34 years. I retired as Vice President of Business Services from Oxnard College 15 years ago.

I wish to thank the Board for continuing to meet with us, on an individual basis, month after month, and year after year, at meetings that have proved mutually beneficial, especially during these times, when the subject of health benefits is of paramount importance to all college employees as well as to retirees.

I wish to report that a subcommittee of the Benefits Committee recently completed its comparative review of the CalPERS health plans proposed by the District, to our current Anthem Blue Cross plans.

At a meeting on December 11, the Retirees’ Association Exec Board established the following calendar:

On December 11 – share our health-plans-comparative-findings with AFT and SEIU representatives at the AFT Office in Camarillo thanks to a previously agreed upon joint meeting.

On December 12 – email retirees informing them of the upcoming Board of Trustees meeting on December 17

On December 14 – mail out the Winter 2020 edition of the Retirees’ Association newsletter, The Monitor, including a report from Gary Johnson to retirees regarding the District’s healthcare proposal.

On December 16 – meet with Chair Dianne McKay and Trustee Bernardo Perez to discuss the District healthcare benefits proposal

On December 17 – meet with Vice Chair Larry Kennedy to discuss the District’s healthcare benefits proposal.

On December 17 – at the meeting of the Board of Trustees, announce the completion of our comparative review of the CalPERS health plans proposed by the District to our current Anthem health plans, and ask the Board to facilitate a joint meeting with representatives of the District, Burnham, CalPERS (including Anthem and Kaiser representatives from CalPERS), OptumRx, AFT and SEIU, for the purpose of going over our comparative findings.

On February 5 – meet to share the comparative findings of the Benefits Committee with as many retirees as can attend such a general meeting.

I have copies of the calendar for the Board, and I thank you for your kind attention.

Presentation to the BOT, November 12, 2019, by Rene Rodriguez, President, VCCCDRA

Presentation to the VCCCD Board of Trustees
November 12, 2019

Members of the Board of Trustees, and Vice Chancellor El Fattal.

I’m Rene Rodriguez, President of the college district Retirees’ Association.  I retired from this District 15 years ago, and served as faculty member and a manager in various capacities for 34 years.

Your declaring an impasse last week with the AFT came as a surprise to us, and we are wondering where that leaves the retirees.  We were under the impression that we would be given the time to adequately review the District’s CalPERS proposal, having just received the voluminous materials we requested from the District less than 7 weeks ago.

We have made considerable progress in reviewing the CalPERS health plans, but it will take a few more weeks to complete our review.

We will then want to meet with the District and Burnham and CalPERS representatives to share our findings, and to ask them questions about the differences that we have found between the CalPERS plans and the Anthem/BX plans, to make sure that our findings are accurate.

After which, we will then want to share our findings with the retirees themselves, and give them a chance to ask questions and understand the differences between what the District is proposing and the current Anthem/BX plans.  Only then, we believe, can the retirees as a whole, and its leadership, make an informed decision regarding the District’s CalPERS proposal.

To date, we have found it troubling that the District’s proposal includes an HRA, “to make retirees whole,” and even then, the HRA will not cover all benefit exclusions, and it will only last three years.  Meanwhile, we are expected to give up the promise of quality lifetime healthcare benefits, a promise that is spelled out in contractual and settlement agreement language.

I’ll leave you with this final thought.

As you express your concern for active employees and their futures, I hope that concern equally includes retirees.

Please remember that most of our retirees are faculty, faculty that have made positive impact upon thousands of students over the course of their careers within the three colleges.  These students, who are now responsible community members, will want to know that this Board is treating their retired faculty fairly, and with the respect they deserve.

Thank you.

Rene Rodriguez

Presentation to BOT by Paulette Johnson

Presentation to the VCCCD Board of Trustees
November 12, 2019

I’m Paulette Freedenberg Johnson and I worked at Ventura College for over 27 years.  I’m not speaking for the Retiree exec (even though I know them pretty well), but as someone who communicates with many of the 700 retirees every day and hear how they feel about what you are doing here.

My goal is to represent them and make it clear that the retirees DO NOT support a change to CalPERS, and here’s why:

  • We know what’s in every contract since the first contract. There is someone in our group who served on every negotiation team…on both sides.  Our group has a collective memory that you could never have, with membership that includes Chancellors, all Presidents, every manager, and every person who ever worked and retired from the District.

Do you think we have forgotten what we agreed to?  What YOU agreed to?

  • We know more than you do right now…..because we’ve done the research and you haven’t.  We know how all of your proposed plans compare to our existing ones and how and why they fall short.We know what other college districts think of CalPERS because we called them.  We know the operational and financial weaknesses of CalPERS.  We know why so many Districts are trying to get out of their contracts…..and how much it is costing them to do so.   We know that the savings they promise disappear in practice….how Districts have to hire extra staff because CalPERS provides no access or support.

We know that it will cost you MORE to be with CalPERS and why.  Do you?

We believe in our contract rights and the 2010 agreement and we are willing to go to the mat to protect them.

We have no problem opposing you with legal action if you do not honor your legal agreements with us.  You cannot REWRITE our agreement….you cannot rewrite history.

  • You should not underestimate who you are dealing with:We are professionals, with experience, institutional knowledge, and deep connections in this community and throughout the entire state.

    We know how to use media, news outlets, and the internet to bring our concerns to the public if we need to.

We have fought to earn our rights before, have put everything on the line for our contracts every single negotiation, and have been willing to take a stand when we need to.  Fighting for our rights is a skill we forged our entire careers and we haven’t forgotten how to do it now.


So what I’m telling you here is that we, all 700 of us, will oppose what you are trying to do here.  We do not trust CalPERS and you shouldn’t either.

You would be wise to give us the opportunity to show you how this decision will be costly to the District in ways you apparently haven’t already discovered for yourself.

We are willing to help you understand what you’re getting all of us into.  If you choose to ignore this offer, if you do not honor your agreements and contracts with the retirees, you will energize and mobilize 700 people against what you have done.

Paulette Freedenberg Johnson